Blood and its Components
1 Mark Questions

1.     What is haemotology?
2.     What is serum?
3.     What is a saline?
4.     How plasma is different from serum?
5.     What is heparin?
2 Mark Questions
1.     What is erythropoieses?
2.     Why spleen is called as grave yard of R.B.C.?
3.     What are the types present in leucocytes?
4 Mark Questions
1.     What are the differences between R.B.C and W.B.C.?
Factors Controlling Respiration
1 Mark Questions
1.     What are the factors Controlling respiration?
2.     What is optimum temperature?
3.     Where do we see respiration in absence of oxygen?
4 Marks Questions
1.     How can you show that heat is liberated during respiration?

Organs of Respiration in animals
1 Mark Questions
1.     What is corelome?
2.     What is Aestivation and hibernation?
3.     What is Exoskeleton?
4.     What is alveoli?
5.     What is inspiration?
6.     What is meant by diffusion?
7.     What is Palate?
8.     How trachea is prevented from collapsing?
9.     What is pleura?
10.  What is Eouglothis?
2 Marks Questions
1.     Describe the respiratory system in Fishes?
2.     Write briefly about pharynx?
4 Marks Questions
1.     Describe the tracheal system of cockroach?
2.     Describe Human lungs?
3.     Explain the mechanism of human Respiration?
4.     Whar are the differences between external and internal Respiration? (V.V.Imp)

1 Mark Questions
1.     What is blood transfusion?                                                                 
2.     What are the types of antigens in human blood?                                                     
3.     Who are Universal donors?
4.     What are the types of blood group antibodies in human blood?
5.     How is blood stored?        (Imp)
2 Mark Questions
1.     What is agglutination of blood?                                                                          
2.     What is the necessity of blood transfusion?                                                        
3.     How is blood transfusion done and who can donate the blood?                         
4.     Why 'O' group people are called Universal donors? Whom do you call universal recipients and
5.     Write short notes on Rh factor?
4 Mark Questions
1.     Describe the different blood groups in man?                          
5 Marks--( Diagrams)
1.    Human Lungs
Life Process
(Concepts of Photosynthesis)
1 Mark Questions
1.     What is life Process?
2.     Which wave length of light is more suitable for photosynthesis why?
3.     Write an equation for photosynthesis showing all the requirements and the products formed?
4.     What is veriegated leaf?
5.     What are the factors of photosynthesis?
6.     What are the end products of light reaction?
7.     What is electron acceptor? Give some examples?
8.     What is the test that is made to prove photosynthesis?
2 Marks Questions
1.     Define photosynthesis and write the equation of photosynthesis?
2.     What is a reaction Centre?
3.     What is a pigment?
4.     What is photolysis of water?
4 Marks Questions
1.     Describe the structure of chloroplast?
2.     Explain How CO2 converted to glucose during photosynthesis (or) Explain dark reaction (or)
carbon fixation.
5 Marks--( Diagrams)
1.     Structure of Chloroplast
Internal structure of Heart
1 Mark Questions
1.     What is the other name of bicuspid Valve?                                                            
2.     Why there is more pressure in arteries than in veins?                  
3.     What is heart beat?                                                                                                 
4.     What is mitral valve? What is its function?                                                     
5.     Deoxygenated blood from heart goes to lungs and oxygenated blood from lungs returns to heart?
Name the circuit?                                                                                                    
6.     Deoxygenated blood from body goes to the heart and oxygenated blood from heart returns to the
body. Name the circuit.
2 Marks Questions
1.     Mention the three stages of Heart beat?                                                            
2.     A Person B.P. is written as 120/80. What does this indicates?
3.     Write a short notes on heart Attack?                                                             
4.     Write a short note on sphygmomanometer?                                                        
5.     What is pulmonary circuit?
4 Marks Questions
1.     What is hypertension? How it is caused? Mention the preventive steps to be taken?
2.   What are differences between right auricle and left auricle?
3.    What are differences between left ventricle and right ventricle?
5 Marks--( Diagrams)
1.     Draw the diagram of internal structure of human heart and labelled the parts?
2.     Draw the diagram of human heart showing position of different valves and the direction of flow
of blood and labelled the parts?

1 Mark Questions
1.     What is Cellular Respiration?
2.     How citric acid is formed?
3.     What is oxidative phosphorylation?
4.     What is Fermentation?
5.     What is Glycolysis?
6.     What is electron transport?
7.     What is krebs cycle?
2 Marks Questions
1.  What are the difference between Anaerobic respiration and Aerobic respiration?
2.  Write the differences between combustuion and Respiration?
3.     What are the differences between photophosphorylation and oxidative phosphorylation?
4.     What are the Respiratory substrates? Give two examples?
4 Marks Questions
1.     Describe the structure of mitochondira
2.     Write brief note on Glycolysis
3.     Explain the krebs cycle?
5 Marks--( Diagrams)
1.     Structure of Mitochondria
Central and Peripheral Nervous System
1 Mark Questions

1.     Which are the membranes that cover the brain?
2.     Name the components of central nervous system?
3.     Name the Sub-division of autonomic nervous system?
4.     What is cranium? What is its function? (Imp)
5.     What is vagus nerve? What is its function?
2 Marks Questions
1.     What are 'gyri" and 'sulci'? What is the advantage of these structures?


2.     Where do you find the cerebro - spinal fludi? What are its functions? (imp)

3.     How is the brain in the human beings protected from injury? (Imp)

4 Marks Questions

1.     Describe the structure of Cerebrum?
2.     Describe the structure of the spinal cord.
5 Marks--( Diagrams)
1.     Draw the Diagram of human brain and label the parts?
2.     Draw a neat labelled diagram of the transverse section of spinal cord?

Control and Coordination
( Chemical Co-ordination in plants)
1 Mark Questions
1.     What is irritability?
2.     What is apical dominance?
2 Marks Questions
1.     What are the function of Cytokinins?
2.     What are the plants growth substances?
4 Marks Questions
1.     What are Auxins? How do they affect on Plant growths?
2.     What is the role of gibberellins in the plant growth and Development?
3.     What is the role of plant hormones in plants?
Reflex Action and Reflex Arc
1 Mark Questions
1.     What is a reflex arc? (Imp)                                                   
2.     In what way reflex actions help us?                           
3.     Which organ of the nervous system is not involved in a reflex action and why?
4      Which is the decade of brain?                                                                              
5.     Mention the components of reflex arc?
2 Marks Questions
1.     Explain how you withdraw your hand immediately and suddenly without your knowledge when
it touches a hot object.                                                          

2.     Write a brief account on 'reflex arc'?
3.     Wrtie an account on the aesthetic sense of human brain?
4 Marks Questions
1.     What are the differences between conditional reflexes and Unconditional reflexes?
2.     What are the differences between conditional reflexes and Unconditional reflexes?
3.     Write an account on Ivan Pavlov's experiment on dog to demonstrate conditioned reflexes?

5 Marks--( Diagrams)
1.     Draw the diagram of reflex arc and label the parts.
Chemical control co- ordination in Animals
1 Mark Questions
1.     What is a hormone?
2.     What is a target tissue?
3.     What is a mixed gland, give an example?
4.     What is the role of oestrogen?
5.     What is simple goitre?
6.     What is the major role of progesterone?
7.     Which hormone is called as flight hormone?
8.     What is Tetany?
9.     What is the function parathermone?
2 Marks Questions
1.     Write short note on Cretinism?
2.     Write short note on Diabetes Mellitus?
3.     Write short note on gigantism and dwarfism.
4 Marks Questions
1.     What is the importance of pituitory gland in body? Mention the hormones and their function of
this gland?
2.     Write a brief account of adrenal glands
Human Nervous System
1 Mark Questions

1.     Explain about neuron with the help of a diagram?    

2.     Why the damage in certain diseases like polio is permanent?

(Reproduction in plants)
1 Mark Questions
1.    How fungal spores are dispersed ?       
2.     What is layering ?             
3.     What are leaf buds? In what way they are useful for the plant?
4.      What is grafting?
2 Marks Questions
1.     What is the reproduction? what is the importance of reproduction?
2.     Write a short note an advantages of vegetative propagation?
3.     write a short note on methods of grafting?                       
4 Marks questions
1.     what  are the  differences between asexual and sexual reproduction?
2.   What  is binary fission? where do you see this method of reporducion?
3.     Write a short note on the advantages of vegetative propagation?
4.     Write an account of types of  asexual reproduction in plants and give examples?

Plant Tissue Culture
1 Mark Questions

1.     what is totipotency?
2.     What is Explant
3.     When does callus form?  (or)  Define callus ? (or)  What is callus?
4.      who is discovered development of haplotid plants through tissue culture.
2 Marks Questions
1.     Define callus ?
2.     What is embryo rescue? when is this method followed?
3.     How  is developed haplaid plants through tissue culture?
4.     What should be the components in a plant tissue culture medium?
4 Marks questions

1.     Write advantages of plant tissue culture?                                    

Sexual Reproduction in Plants

1 Mark Questions

1.     What is a micropyll?                                                                                

2.     What is a flower?

3.     what is the difference between calyx and corolla?

4.      what is polynology?
2 Marks Questions
1.     Write an account on the importance of sexual reproduction?

2.     What are the parts of a flower?
3.     What is synargids? what is their function?
4 Marks questions
1.     Write an account on the structure of a flower ?                         
2.     Write a note on structure of embryosac with the help of diagram?
5 Marks--( Diagrams)
1.     Draw the longitudinal section of Datura- flower and label the parts.
2.     Draw the structure  of an ovule and label the parts?
Sexual Reproduction Animals
(Paramoecium, Earthworm)
1 Mark Questions

1.     Name two animals in which external fertilization occurs?
2.     When is an animal called as hermaphrodite?
3.     What is the function of macronucleus of paramoecium?
4.     What prevents self-fertilization in earthworm?
5.     Which is the function of micronucleus of a paramoecium?
2 Marks Questions
1.     Write short notes on sexual dimorphism in animals?
2.    What is external fertilization?
3.    What is internal fertilization? (Imp)
4.     What is the dis-advantage of repeated binary fission for a paramoecium?

5.     What is the purpose of cytoplasmic bridge formed during conjugation in paramoecium?
4 Marks Questions
1.     Describe the conjugation of paramoecium?
2.     Describe the reproductive system of earthworm?         
Sexual Reproduction in Animals
1 Mark Questions
1.     What is milt?       
2.     What is spawn?
3.     what are the ampluxory pads? how do they help the frog?
4.      What is the function of acrosome of a spermatozoan
5.     What are the diseases spread by housefly?
2 Mark Questions
1.     How can you distinguish  a male frog from a female frog?
2.     Bring out the differences between a spermatozoan and an ovum of a frog?
3.     Where does fertilization occur in frog? what do you  call this type of fertilization?
4.     How do you differentiate between the animal and vegetal poles of the ovum of frog?
5.     Briefly describe the ovary of female frog?                      
4 Mark Questions
1.     Describe the reproductive system of housefly?
2.     Describe the male reproductive system of frog?

5 Marks--( Diagrams)
1.     Draw the diagram of male reproductive system of frog and label the parts?

2.     Draw the diagram of female reproductive system of frog and label the parts?
Human Reproductive System
1 Mark Questions
1.     what is meant by ovulation in humanbeings?                                                       
2.     What are the parts of male human reproductive system?
3.     Name the accessary glands that are associated with human male reproductive system?
4.     Name the sex hormone secreted by testes?
5.     What are  tubules  present in the testes and what is their function?
6.     Where do you find germinal epithelium? what is its function?
2 Marks Questions
1.     What is corpus  luteum and what is its  function?                                
2.     Describe the structure of human speratozoan?
3.     Give an account  of menstrual cycle in human being?    
4.     What are the methods to be adopted to prevent fertilization?   ( IMP)
5.     What is foetus?
4 Marks questions
1.     Give an account of menstrual cycle in human beings?
2.     Bring out the differences between a spermatozoan and an ovum?
3.     What is implantation ? How does it occur in human beings ? ( Imp)  
5 Marks--( Diagrams)
1.     Draw the diagram of Human spermatozoan and lable the parts

2.     Draw the diagram of male reproductive system of human beings and label the parts 
1 Mark Questions
1.     which subgroup does HIV belong?
2.     In India, when and where the first HIV ifected person was derected?
3.     Define the term HIV?
4.     Define the term AIDS?
5.     What are the enzymes present in the HIV?
6.     Your friend forces you to smoke with him? How do you react?
2 Marks Questions
1.     Which enzyme is responsible for the unique nature of HIV?
2.     Write an account on HIV?
3.     Write a short notes on AIDs disease?
4 Marks Questions
1.     Why life skills are necessary for energy are necessary for every one to face the challenges of life
especially in the context of HIV... AIDs? which life skills should be practiced?
2.     If one has taken the decision not to be infected with HIV, what precautions should he/she take?
3.     A person  intially infected with HIV reaches  the AIDs stage. what are the different stage. what
are the different stages he passed through ?
4.     What are the modes of HIV Transmission?

1 Mark Questions

1.     Why do sports persons take glucose?
2.     What are biologically complete proteins? Give two examples?
3.     Which enzymes hydrolyse lactose and Sucrose?
4.     Why is it easy to store fats in the body?
5.     Write an account on calcium?
2 Marks Questions
1.     What is fluorosis? How does it affect the body?
2.     What is iodised salt? Why is it advisable to take iodised salt?
3.     What is the disadvantage if you eat only rice or meat?
4.     What is the function of sodium ions in the body?
5.     Why some of the amino acids are called essential aminoacids?
4 Marks Questions
1.     In what way calcium helps the body?
2.    How are proteins useful to the body?
3.    What are the functions of iron in the body?

  Deficiency Diseases

1 Mark Questions

1.     What is malnutrition?                                                   

2.     Which is the only treatment available for obesity?      

3.     What is the main cause of obesity?   

4.     Which cells of the body are responsible for obesity and why?     

5.      Due to the deficiency of which nutrient  kwashiorkor is caused?
2 Marks Questions
1.     What  are the steps  to be taken by obese people to reduce their weight and size?
2.     How is obesity a health hazard ?
3.     What are the differences between kwashiorkor and marasmus?
4.     Why exercise is compulsory for obesity treatment?
4 Marks Questions
1.     What are the effects of Kwashiorkor on children?                                        
2.     How does marasmus affect a child?                                                                       
Vitamins- Sourses & Deficiency Diseases
1 Mark Questions
1.     Write the abbreviation of NIN?                                                        
2.     Name the various vitamins in vitamin B - complex?
3.     What is the chemical name of vitamin A?
4.     In what way vitamins are available for our body?
5.      Which vitamin can be stored in the body for a long time? up to 6 to 9 months?
6.     What is the chemical name of Vitamin D?
7.     What is the chemical name of vitamin B12
2 Marks Questions
1.     What is the loss if rice  is polished or repeatedly washed? what is the disease it causes?
2.     What is the chemical name of niacin? why is it required by the body?

3.     Howmany types of vitamins are there in our body? what are they?
4.     How do you identify pellagra?
5.     write an account on glossitis?
6.     What is the method evolved by the national Institute and  Nutrition Hyderabad to prevent
blindness in children?
4 Mark Questions
1.     Mention various diseases caused by the deficiency of vitamin A?
2.     Mention the factors that lead to the discovery of vitamins?
3.     How vitamin C helps the body?
Tropical Diseases
1 Mark Questions
1.     What is infection?
2.     What are the non-living reservoirs  for spreading diseases?
3.     Give examples for  airborne diseases?
4.     Which diseases are spread through droplet infection?
5.     What is incubation period?
2 Marks Questions
1.     What are the  methods by which diseases are transmitted? Give one or two examples for each  method?                                                                                                    
2.     How do the unhygienic conditions lead to diseases? Give one example?
3.     Describe the changes that happen to the parasite and host duaring incubation period?

4.     What is Recovery period?
4 Marks Questions
1.     What is health and what is process of disease?
2.     What  are the methods by which diseases are transmitted? Give one or two examples for each method?
Common Diseases
1 Mark Questions
1.     What is the causative virus of measles?                                                   
2.     What are the vertibrate hosts of encephalities?
What is the cansative virus of encephalitis?
3.     Which disease is called as Rubella?
4.     When does the chill and fever occur in malarial fever?
5.     In which part of the human body the filariasis worm lives?
2 Marks Questions
1.     What are the symptoms of malarial fever?
2.     How to control malarial infection?                                   
3.     Why the skin colour is yellow in jaundice?
4.     What are the symptoms of mumps?             
4 Marks Questions
1.     Describe the changes that take place in mosquito in the malarial parasite ?
2.     What measures do you take to control malarial infection?                                      
3.     Why encephalitis is a fatal disease ? How it is caused?

First Aid
1 Mark Questions
1.     What is first aid?                                                             

2.     what is the aim of giving first aid to save a drowned person?
3.     What if green stick fracature?
2 Marks Questions
1.     What is first aid ? Mention its purpose? Mention its purpose?      
2.     Describe the process of giving artificial respiration?
4 Marks Questions
1.     What are the rules to be followed while giving first aid to save human life?
2.     What first aid do you render for fractures?                                                    (Imp)       
3.     Mention the symptoms of a fracture?                                                                
Health Agencies
2 Marks Questions
1.     What are the functions of health care system?
2.     What type of service are expected by any health care system?
4 Marks Questions
3.     Describe the duties of village health guide?
4.     What are the main functions of a primary - health care centre?
5.     How does a local dayee differ from Anganwadi worker in the nature of duties they perfrom?
Write the difference between duties of Local dayee and Anganwadi worker.
Eradication Of Blindness
1 Mark Questions
1.     Which Vitamin deficiency causes blindness?
2.     How is night blindness and blindness can be eradicated?
3.     Write some names of organisations to help to educate and implement  the eradication of blindness?
4.     What  actions should be taken by NIN to eradicate night blindness?
5.     where is located NIN?
6.     What is NIN and Explain about NIN?
2 Marks Questions
1.     Mention   the   Measures   to   be   taken   to   eradicate   blindness   in   children   by   NIN?
2.     What are food items which have vitamin A?
4 Marks Questions
1.     What are the steps taken to prevent blindness?

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