
The Locatiional And Spatial Setting
Four Marks Questions:
1.     What is a Sub Continent? Explain how India can be called a sub- continent?
2.     What are the Island groups of India and explain their origin and distribution?
Physical Features - Relief Drainage
Four marks questions:
1.     Name the physiographic units of India and briefly explain their formation.
2.     What are the parallel ranges of the Himalayas? Explain.
3.     Describe the importance of Himalayas.
4.     What is a plain? Describe the surface differences recognized with the geomorphology of Great
5.     Compare and contrast the geomorphological features between Malwa plateau and Deccan
Two Marks Questions:
1. Distinguish between Maritime climate and Continental climate with examples:
2. What are the factors responsible for regional differences in climatic conditions in India?
Four Marks Questions:
3. Describe the Thornthwaite classification of climatic regions in India.
Natural Vegetation
Four Marks Questions:
1. Describe the ecological and economic significance of forests.
2. Examine the need for the forest development in India.

One Mark Questions:
1.     What do you understand by "Sheet Erosion".
2.     What is Soil Erosion? What are the agents of soil erosion?
3.      How do you establish that soil erosion is a man made disaster?
4.     What are the different forms of soil erosion and their occurrence in
5.     What are the important measures of soil conversation?
One Mark Question:
1.     What is Density of Population?
Four Marks Questions:
2.     What are the main causes of the rapid population growth in India.
3.     What are the problems of population explosion?
Irrigation And Power
One mark questions:
1.     What are the sources of Irrigation?
2.     Name half a dozen important multipurpose projects in India.
3.     Distinguish between a Open well and Tube well.
4.      Distinguish between perennial canal and Inundation canal
Four marks questions:
1.     What do you mean by Multipurpose Project? Mention its main objectives.
Distinguish between major, medium, minor irrigation projects.

One mark questions:
1.  What are the Crop Seasons?
2. What is livestock?
Two Marks Questions:
1.     Why marine fishing is very predominant on West Coast?
2.     What are the problems of Indian agriculture?
3.     Describe the Importance of agriculture in India.
4.     Explain the important characteristic features of Indian agriculture.
Mineral Resources
One Mark Questions:
1.     What are fuel minerals?
2.     Name the four atomic minerals.
3.     What are the important mineral belts identified in the country.
One Mark Question:
1.     Name the raw material required for Iron and steel industry.
2.     What are the major industrial regions in India?
Two Marks Questions
1.     Name the oil refineries located in India oil refineries in India.
2.     Name the important Steel Plants in India.
3.     What are the facilities required for ship building industry and name the major ship building

Transport and Communications
One Mark Question:
1.     What are the different means of transport?
2.     What are the different gauges of rail transport?
Two Marks Questions:
1.     What are the challenges of Railways?
2.     Name the international Air ports.
3.     Why are the Means of transport and communication called the life lines of a country.
Place of Interest
Two Marks Questions:
1      What are the natural scenic beauties of Srinagar?
2.     Write a short note on Varanasi.
3.     Explain briefly about Mount Abu.
4.     Briefly describe the importance of Simla.
5.     Write a short note on Tirupati.
Seaports and Towns
Two Marks Questions:
1.     Distinguish between a Harbor and Port.
2.     Name all the major ports in India.
Four Marks Questions:
1.     What are the problems faced by the Kolkata sea port?
2.     Give the important advantages of Mumbai to become the largest port in


Characteristics of Indian Economy
Two Marks Questions:
1.     What is Organised sector?
2.     What is Unorganised sector?
Four Marks Questions:
1      What is the role of Monsoons in Indian agriculture?
2      What were the characteristics of Indian economy during the British period?
Problems of Indian Economy
Two Marks Questions:
1.     Distinguish between less developed and developed countries.
2 .   What are the factors causing regional imbalances? Explain the
indication of rural disparities.
Structure of the Indian Economy
Four Marks Questions:
1.     Describe the occupational structure of the Indian economy.
2.     What is the role of banking and financial institutions in India? Will privatization help in realizing
the objectives?
Planning: Achievements and Failures
Two Marks Questions:
1.     What is economic planning?
Four Marks Questions:
1.     What are the General and Specific objectives of Planning in India?
2.     Specific objectives of planning in India.
3.     What are the achievements and failures of Planning?

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