Nationalist Movements
Four Marks Questions:
1.     To what extent can you attribute Charles X's responsibility for the outbreak of 1830 revolt in
2.     What were the causes for the outbreak of 1848 revolution in France?
3.     Bring out the impact of 1848 revolt of France on other European Countries.
4.     Give an account of the role played by Bismarck in the Unification of Germany.
5.     Bring out the way how Italy achieved unification under the leadership of Sardinia  state.
Four Marks Questions:
1.     What are the factors responsible for the rise of Imperialism?
2.     Bring out how Africa was colonized by the European nations.
3.     What were the forms and methods of Imperialism.
Contemporary World
Two Marks Questions:
1.     Secret alliances:
2.     Kaiser William -II:
3.     Kerensky:
4.     Lenin:
5.     ILO:
Four Marks Questions:
1.     What is meant by aggressive nationalism and how far did it become responsible for the outbreak
of World War-I

2.     What was the Balkan issue and how was it responsible for the World War-I?
3.     What were the aims and organizational set up of League of Nations?
4.     Discuss the success and failures of League of Nations.
5.     What were the causes for the Russian revolution of 1905?
6.     What were the terms of Treaty of Versailles?
World up to the World War- II
Two Marks Questions:
1.     Mustafa Kemal Pasha:
2.     Causes for the failure of League of Nations:
3.     Marshall Plan
4.     Apartheid in South Africa:
5.     SWAPO:
6.     Ian Smith:
7.     Sun-Yet-Sen:
8.     Mao-Tse-Tung:
9.     Sukarno:
Four Marks Questions:
1:   What factors led America into the war?
2:   What were the principles and the works taken by Fascist government of Italy? 3:   What were the causes for the outbreak of World War II?
4: What were the political and economic consequences of the World War- II?

The World after World War-II

Two marks questions:
1.     Marshall Plan:
2.     Bandung conference:
3.     Apartheid in South Africa
4.     Truman Doctrine:
5.     F.D.Roosevelt:
6.     NATO
7.     Maltov Plan:
8.     Cuban Crisis:
Four Marks Questions:
1.     Explain how the military blocs were formed after the Second World War
2.     Discuss the role of Non-alignment
3.     Assess the role of UNO in preserving world peace
4:   Examine the features of the cold war
Cultural Heritage of India and Intellectual Awakening
Two Marks Questions:
1.     Amravati school of Art:
2.     South Indian Temples:
3.     Impact of English education on Indians:
4.     Bhakti movement:
5.     Leaders who roused the National consciousness in India:

6,      Write about the six schools of ancient Indian philosophy.
Four Marks Questions:
1. Give an account of the factors contributing for the cultural unity of India.
Freedom Movement Of India
Two marks questions:
1.     Drain Theory
2.     Safety ValveTheory
3.     Quit India Movement
4.     Salt Satyagraha
5.     Round Table Conference
6.     Indian National Army
Four marks questions:
1.   Write about Simon Commission.
2: Bring out the factors that contributed to the growth of National
    consciousness in India?
3: Discuss Vandemataram movement in India and its significance in the
    national movement.
4: Explain Gandhiji's early political activities in India and how he was
accepted as the leader in Indian politics.
5: Write an account of Non-Cooperation movement in India. 6: Write about the Home rule movement.
7. Write about the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre.

India as a Nation
One Mark Questions:
1.     Define National and State parties.
2.     Mention the basic elements of Democracy.
3.     Describe the functions of Election Commission of India.
4.     Distinguish between general election and bye election.
5.     What are the malpractices in election?
6.     Explain the meaning of Democracy.
Two Marks Questions:
1) How do political parties promote National integration?
2)  How do you describe India as a Multi-Cultural Society?
3)  How is India committed to Democracy?
4)  What is Secularism? How is India committed to it?
5)  What is Social Justice? What are the ways and means to achieve Social
Justice in India? s
6)    Describe briefly the factors that contribute to the promotion of National
Indian Democracy
Two Marks Questions:
1.     Define National and State parties.
2.     Mention the basic elements of Democracy.
3.     Why should democratic governments in modern states be representative governments?

4.     Describe the functions of Election Commission of India.
5.     Distinguish between general election and bye election.
6.     What are the malpractices in election?
7.     Explain the meaning of Democracy.
Challenges Facing Our Country Today
Two Marks Questions:
1.     What are the Rights of a child?
2.     What are the steps to be taken to realize the objective of Universal primary education?
Four Marks Questions:
1.     Suggest some measures for the improvement of the conditions of Schedule Castes and
Scheduled Tribes in India.
2.     What are the ways to curb Communalism in India?

India, United Nations and world problems

Two Marks Questions:
1.     State the foundational principles of India's foreign policy.
2.     Mention the objectives of SAARC.
3.      Explain the main functions of the General Assembly.
4.     State the powers of the Security Council.
5.     Name the principal organs of the UN.
6.     Name the specialized agencies of the UN.
7.     What is Panchasheel?
8.     What are the main objectives of New International Economic Order?

9.     Explain the problems of deforestation.
10.  Explain the term 'Third World'
11.  What is the UN Secretariat?
Four Marks Questions:
1.     Describe the problems of environmental pollution and ecological decay.
2.     Assess India's role in the UNO.
Traffic Education
Four Marks Questions:
1. What are the precautions necessary for observance by those that ride motorcycles and scooters?
2. Mention the safety measures for riding bicycles.

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